Fax machine or no fax machine, our fax machine decision
Our fax machine decision. (Spoiler alert… no fax.)
More than a year ago we were working with a web developer on our new website. We were surprised at his surprise that we still operate with a fax machine in our business. His reaction caused us to reflect and to ponder a fax machine decision, yea or nay.
I recall many years ago when we purchased our first fax machine. At that time we all huddled around when it rang to watch this marvelous invention spew out a piece of paper with a printed order. We showed it to our kids who were impressed by the “magic”. My elderly mother, who also witnessed the “magic”, had no clue regarding what had just transpired.
Since the interaction with our web developer, we have come full circle and realize we have again been hovering around the fax machine when it rings. Now since it is such a rare occasion when it rings, we again gather to check if the fax is delivering an order. However, it usually produces an offer to lend us money or repair our flat roof. The fax rarely provides an order. For many years our business has been transacted over the phone, via email and more recently via online ordering. Virtually no one sends faxes anymore.
While searching the internet regarding the demise of the fax, I discovered endless articles touting both sides. There were explanations about which industries still rely on faxes (think medical and legal) and how the fax has been replaced by newer technology. Many replacement options were discussed including scanning, emailing and electronic document signing. One insightful article was written by Christopher Null at www.pcworld.com (a popular technology site) titled “Why the fax still lives (and how to kill it)”. (Source: pcworld.com January 13, 2014) You can read the article via this Link.
To cement the fact that fax machines have been eliminated from mainstream America, it was widely reported in 2013 that candy maker NECCO stopped making candy valentine hearts with the phrase “FAX ME”. That’s it! Confirmed! The love affair with fax machines is over! (Source: “…Amazing Retired Sweetheart Candy Sayings” by Derek Thompson, www.theatlantic.com February 13, 2013) You can read the article via this Link.
Our decision has been made. Effective September 3, 2016 Colossal Gram will continue to accept orders via phone (847-223-5757), email (info@colossalgram.com) and our website (www.colossalgram.com), but no longer via fax.
R.I.P Fax!