Rising Prices Ahead

 In Announcement, Article, History


Both FedEx and UPS have again announced a price increase for 2017. The price increase (about 5%) for both carriers affects most of their services including shipping rates, residential delivery charges, address correction charges and extended delivery (remote) charges. Fuel surcharges will continue to be adjusted weekly based on oil price movements. According to Lojistic, a shipping consulting company, over the last decade (2006-2016) ground shipping rates have increased 79.2% and air shipping rates have increased a staggering 95.5%.

Colossal Gram will increase our product price from $19.95 to $20.95 beginning January 1, 2017. This is our first product price increase since 2010. Since 1985, when a Colossal Gram was priced at $16.95, we have only increased prices twice previously. Other than these few moderate price increases we have maintained the cost of our product to customers and raised our “out the door” price only due to FedEx and UPS price increases to us.

Thank you for understanding.

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